A platform for authors to build their audience and boost discoverability that's fun, affordable, and incredibly powerful!
BookBusky offers marketing tools and promotions designed to help you expand your writing audience. Here's why BookBusky is the go-to platform for lead generation and discoverability for authors and publishers of all kinds.
Book Listing
For an entire year, your book will be displayed on our website with a link to purchase it. Because we believe books have the power to enhance and transform our lives, we are dedicated to fostering a love of reading and literature.
Engage Readers
With a significant global community of dedicated Instagram and Twitter followers, we’re offering an excellent opportunity to boost your readership. Increase the success of your work by partnering with writers and distributors along with creative book promotion approaches.
Target Keyword
To enhance search engine visibility, drive relevant traffic, and improve discoverability, we strategically focus on specific words or phrases that are most relevant to your books and audience, utilizing them to optimize your website effectively.
Email Blasts
Engage directly with our 100K+ readers and grow your newsletter subscribers when you promote your freebie in our email spotlight. This is a prime opportunity to increase visibility and grow your audience through targeted promotion.
Visual Appeal
We provide Visual Appeal, emphasizing the eye-catching and engaging elements of your book, drawing readers in with stunning cover designs, graphics, and imagery that enhance the overall reading experience.
Customer Support
We treat our clients as esteemed guests, and we take pride in being exceptional hosts. It is our responsibility to enhance their experience at every step. With a team of dedicated professionals available 24/7, we’re always ready to provide top-notch assistance. Our primary objective is to foster strong, enduring relationships with our clients.
How Can You Benefit from Using BookBusky?
No matter your position in publishing, BookBusky provides marketing tools, promotions, and resources you can use to grow your audience with confidence.
Our Affordable Price
One-Time Payment. Book your slot now.
25 DAYS PROMOTION- 25 Facebook Post
- 25 Tweets
- 10 Instagram Post
- Instagram Story
- Customized Images
- 1 year Book Listing
- Featured Listing (FrontPage)
- Email 31k+ Subscriber
60 DAYS PROMOTION- 60 Facebook Post
- 60 Tweets
- 25 Post Instagram
- 25 Instagram Story
- Customized Images
- 2 year Book Listing
- Featured Listing (FrontPage)
- Email 45k+ Subscriber
90 DAYS PROMOTION- 90 Facebook Post
- 90 Tweets
- 50 Post Instagram
- 50 Instagram Story
- Customized Images
- 2 year Book Listing
- Featured Listing (FrontPage)
- Email 65k +Subscriber